Sunday, May 15, 2016

Student Reflections - Animation #12

J. L.
11th Grade
Animation 1

Photo on 4-5-16 at 3.19 PM #2.jpg

Animation has shown me all the complexities that are in animation. Before I thought you just take picture and move the people but there are so much more that go into five seconds than I thought. I did not think that you had to have a thousand storyboards, an exaggerated  number, for one episode. I also enjoyed my time in game design learning how to make games which is similar to animation. The closest similarity is the drawing skill needed to compete in this field. You do not have to be the best drawer like myself but you will be at a large disadvantage.

Walking Aniamtion 1.png                  Walking Animation 2.png

The assignment that I enjoyed the most was animating the people in styx. I am not a very artistic minded person so if I am given a pre-drawn image and told to make it move like it should I can do that. Learning the twelve principles of animation has allowed me to better grasp how to make objects move correctly. But not only correctly but to make an object move and give it personality with those movements without using any dialogue. To me that is the most important part of animation is conveying the message of what is being seen clearly without using any dialogue.

Story Board.png

This is my storyboard for a story that I created. It is not my best work because I hated it in fact, I will have trouble trying to say anything positive about this assignment but I will give it my best. So drawing is not my strong suite and I do not really like drawing. This assignment had me all kinds of messed up. I got super frustrated with it and could not decide on how i would translate what was in my mind to the paper. That is the problem with drawing for me I can not get ideas on paper. In my head I’m thinking “ This is going to be epic i got all these ideas oh wait!, they can do this but how do I put that on paper ah! “

Screen Shot 2016-05-04 at 3.04.24 PM.png

This next assignment was one of if not the first project we did and that was to turn a picture into a Gif. Due to a loss of ideas and a lack of resources I chose to use my face. To do this I took a lot of photos from different angles and combined them together into a Gif to create a moving image. Overall I enjoyed this class a lot and would suggest that you take it. You do not need to be a good drawer it would certainly benefit you if you were but you can still make it in the class without those skills. In conclusion you should take the class it’s fun.

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