Friday, May 13, 2016

Student Reflections - Ceramics and Crafts #1

11th grade
Ceramics & Crafts

This class was about ceramics and how clay can be molded into different shapes and used to create various items that you can actually use around the house such as my coil pot above. I learned about the different tools used to work with clay and the methods used to make several items. I enjoyed working with others and receiving constructive criticism on my work as it helped me improve my skills which were non-existent when I first came into this class.

Above is the result produced from my favorite assignment of the year. I loved paper quilling because it amazed me how I could make such interesting designs with skinny strips of paper. I enjoyed the pre-planning phase where I drew out my design and then making the actual shapes for the flower petals was really fun. This is a project that I would enjoy doing on my own time at home.

My pillow is a work that was not my best. I had a bit of trouble with the weaving and the orange string was all frilly and sticking out of the pillow when it was not even supposed to be seen. I could have improved the pillow by doing a better job knitting the sides better and by fixing the weaving when I had the chance. Although, I really did enjoy stuffing the pillow and watching it come to life.

Above is an example of a good work that I have not yet shown. It is a watercolor painted ceramic tile. I really love this one because I came up with the idea of making the tile look like a beach background with the yellow watercolor giving it a sandy feel since it has the glitter on it. The light blue and dark blue stamps on the tile also help give it a beachy feel and the glitter of the watercolor adds to the effect.

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