9th Grade
I learned a lot in this animation class. I learned how to animate a stop motion video, and I also learned how to thaumatrope. This class taught me a lot, from the 12 principles of animation to all the great and new friends I made in this class. This class is also very hard though, and you need to be very dedicated to what you’re doing cause one simple mistake can bring your grade down. I certainly liked this class though, because I feel I have improved a lot in my knowledge for art.
My favorite assignment in animation class was certainly the storyboarding we did for our stories. I think I really liked this project because I really enjoy anything that has to do with drawing. It was a very fun project to do since you were basically putting on a sheet paper what you imagined and sort of making it into a movie. It was also very fun to see everyone else’s, it showed just how much effort and hard work people put into this. I guess the big main reason I enjoyed this one was because I really have no skills on the mac and I just like doing something that doesn’t involve technology.
I believe the space whales was one of the worst works I did. I liked my whole idea of flying whales in space and whatnot, but I still think I could’ve done better had it not involved so much technology. I had the camera positioned wrong and the lighting was awful there were also a few other minor mistakes here and there but those were the ones that not only stood out for me, but for everyone. The project was fun to do but it certainly was not one of my best. I really liked seeing everyone else’s though.
Overall this class is awesome. I don’t regret picking it, you meet a lot of cool and great friends and you learn a awful lot about animation. Everyone in this class basically becomes family, and you begin to realize just how much people have in common with you. I believe everyone should give this class a try, because they won’t regret it. You learn things that normally you wouldn’t even notice in a animation movie, but once you learn you realize how important it is. It’s hard to put into words, but to put it simply… You need to take this class.
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